Ruofan Chen (b.1996, Hubei, China), based in London. She holds an MFA degree from the Royal College of Art, London, and a BFA degree with honour from the School of Visual Arts, New York.

Chen works with installation, sculpture, painting, and drawing. Her work criticizes the excessive use of screens and the error of information in modern society. While trying to create emotional connections with nature, her work evokes the sensibility in an over-digitalised and mechanical society.


Chen has held solo exhibitions at Powerlong Art Center, Xiamen (2020), Paper Gallery, Manchester (2020); and participated in extensive global institutional exhibitions, including Tang Contemporary Art, Hong-Kong (2021), Yuan Art Museum, Beijing (2021), West Bund Art Center, Shanghai (2020), Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (2021), Southwark Park Galleries, London (2020), amongst others.